Tuesday 24 January 2017

Coursework Construction: Behind the scenes

Here is a behind the scenes vlog of the filming days :

Unfortunately, as I am working by myself I was not able to get any pictures of us during the actual filming process.

Friday 20 January 2017

Coursework Construction : Day 2 review

 When did we film:
We re-filmed on the 18th of January as we did not want to leave it too long between filming days so the idea would still be fresh in our minds.

How did it go?
Our second day of filming went far more smoothly than the first, I remembered to bring my story boards so we were able to have a really specific outline of what we needed to film. Alex's house was a much easier location to film as his room was bigger to be able to move around in, as well as suiting the character more. He also has a big conservatory which we were able to use the windows of to film the bits of him behind a screen with.

Was there any issues?
The only real issue we had was getting from Norwich to Alex's house and then also waiting for the rain to stop so it wouldn't make too much of  a noise against the conservatory roof for us to film. The  actor for Alex's sister was unfortunately still sick so we just had to use me briefly to get those shot. 

Do we need to film anymore?
We got plenty of footage and as we already had the footage for the outside scenes, I do not think we need to film any more as I think that we can work with what we have and just edit it to make any adjustments we may want to make.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Coursework Construction : Day 1 filming review

Here is a brief video diary talking about how the first day filming went:

A more in depth review:

What went well?
I think what went well was the way we worked together, making the process easier as his responses to my directions were really good. He also had some ideas for different shots which was cool because we collaborated our ideas to come up with some new shots and angles.

What didn't work as well?
The shots in my dads house did not go as well because the space wasn't particularly easy to film in as it was all quite tight, so the shots there do not look as good as I want them to.  I also had not thought ahead to filming the scenes of him trapped in the computer, and our location did not have any windows to give us the space to do that so we could not get it filmed as planned.

Anything that needs to be refilmed?
We need to refilm the shots of him in the room and also film him behind the screen, so there will be another day to do those. I think all of the shots of him in Norwich are fine as we got a large amount trying different things, so I should have plenty to choose from during editing.

Did everything run smoothly?
Everything went well and there wasn't any major hiccups, just that we have to refilm some shots. Also, our actor for his sister became sick before the shoot so we had to improvise and use me to make up for it.

Any changes to make?
I think that I will try and do the sister coming into the bedroom differently as I think the basic angles I used just watching her walk into the room are quite boring and look really ametuer.

Did we use the storyboards to good effect?
I sent them to him beforehand which proved very useful as he had  a clear idea of what we were going to be doing before we filmed, but I forgot to bring them with me on the day which meant I forgot  a few shots as I was remembering them from the top of my head.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Coursework Planning: Shooting schedule

Date of filming:
14th January 2017

Morning ( 11am-1pm) - filming in the different locations around Norwich of Alex on his computer.

Afternoon ( 2pm-5pm) - filming the scenes in Alex's room and of him trapped behind a screen.

How have we organised this?
We organised this using mainly social media as it was the quickest way for us to communicate.

Has it proved easy/ difficult to organise?
It was relatively easy to organise, it was more of an issue to get transport for Alex from his house and back as his parents had to be free as well. I also sent him the storyboards and script to give him more of an idea of what we are doing on the day so we can go straight into it.

BFI: selection day video

Here is a stop motion animation video that we had 4 hours to create, from ideas to editing. We had to do it as part of the selection day for the BFI film academy, we had the conditions of:

  • A clown
  • Horror genre
  • A cuboard
  • A cactus
  • 'The sun is shiny bright'

Sunday 1 January 2017

Coursework Planning: Final Locations

The final locations we are going to use are:
  • My dads spare room- This is  because it is the easiest to access whilst filming whilst still being suitable to what we want to create.
  • Chapelfield - This is because it has the most potential for different shots to try and create the scene that we want, as it is always busy and has lots of different spaces we can film in.
  • The Forum - This is because again we can try film in different spots within the location, and also it is very easy to access.
  • City Centre - This one because it is easy to get to and film, and also has the busy ambiance that we want when trying to portray Alex's character.
To see a more detailed analysis into the different locations please see this blog post.

How does the setting we are using help construct a mis-en-scene?
The settings I have chosen ( in the city and the characters room) help do this as they allow paths to introduce the audience to the character to make the plot make more sense. The city will be a busy background to the shots to add emphasis to the isolation of the character, and the props and set-up of his bedroom will build up the different aspects of the character; adding more diversity to the mis-en-scene.