Tuesday 28 February 2017

Courswork Construction: Audience feeback of rough cut

After showing some friends and family the rough cut of my coursework I was given some feedback:

  • Interesting concept
  • A range of shots
  • Cool lighting in the parts where he was trapped in the screen
  • Appropriate to target audience

  • No title/titles
  • Music doesn't fit very well
  • Bumpy transitions between shots
  • Not completely clear what is going on

Changes to make upon feedback:
  • Add titles
  • Add some video effects to make the transitions smoother
  • Edit the music and sound to make it fir the opening better
  • Film some extra cutaways of the back of the computer to add in during the shots where he is trapped inside the computer, to make it more clear what the plotline is.

Friday 10 February 2017

Coursework Construction: Explanation of final cut

Here is a summary of why I have done the different aspects of my film opening in this way and the thought process behind it.

 I have chosen to make the sound in this opening what the character would be hearing. So it starts of with just the general background sound of  a city and then when he puts his headphones on the music he is listening to starts. This song then continues until he gets into his bedroom, where it still is playing but slightly quieter as he has taken his headphones out; so it is like he is playing out of his computer. I chose the song Feel Good as  I though it suited the characters personality from the profile I did during the planning process. When it moves to the computer shots, the sound is predominately the humming sound of a computer, which is loudest when he is inside the screen and gets quieter when it is from his sisters perspective. This is to try and make the audience aware of what they are listening to is what the character is listening to.

The lighting starts of as the natural light from outside when Alex is moving around the different places, but as soon as he gets into his bedroom it is the artificial lights in his room. This is meant to represent the predominance of technology in his life, and the contrast between the natural lighting to that in his room is meant to amplify that. The lighting when he is trapped in the computer screen is meant to be very clean and artificial, to suggest that wherever he is inside some form of technology. I wanted the background to be blocked out so it was more ambiguous as to where he is.

The  main prop is the laptop, and I  made it so that Alex is never seen without it, he has it on him all the time and never stops using it. It is shown in pretty much every shot to show the dominance is has on his life. The other prop that is important are the headphones, as not only do they just allow the audience to hear what the character is hearing but they are almost like a form of protection for him, as he wears them when out in public but as soon as he is in the safety of his own bedroom then he doesn't have to wear them anymore.

The titles are in a very electronic typography to fit in with the theme of the video. The name Integrate was inspired by the fact it is a word that can be used in computer terms as lots of different files being brought together, which links to the rest of the plot of the film if it were to carry on as it is lots of teenagers being sucked into this same technological world.

I chose to do the time lapses to try and suggest how much time was passing whilst Alex was sat on his laptop. Also the glitches on the computer screen to try and suggest that something had gone wrong, just before Alex gets sucked into the computer. I also tried to make it appear a bit like it  has a glitch  when he is trapped inside the computer screen to try and show that he is somewhere else, perhaps where the connection isn't that strong. I also have chosen to export it so there are black bars around the screen, to make it look like we are watching in on him through a screen.