Tuesday 8 November 2016

Coursework Research:What do we expect to see in the opening two minutes of a feature film?

Professional film openings:

Forrest Gump:
Within the opening to this film none of the plot is really revealed at all; the main focus is on the feather floating down and although one can make links to the plot and character after watching the whole film, the opening individually does not reveal a lot about it. We see that there is one main character, and even then he is not introduced until about 1 and a half minutes into the opening, after which we learn that he has a suitcase so is probably on his way somewhere and a box of chocolates. There is no real insight into his character or any obvious clues to as what he is doing.The opening is set in one location, a city, but we just see it from a panning shot as the camera follows the feather.  There is no dialogue, the diegetic sounds are those of the cars in the background, other than that is it just gentle music. The credits are simplistic and quite formal, they add to the ambiguity of the rest of the opening as they don't reveal anything about what kind of film it may be.


This opening introduces us to 4 of the key characters; Heather, Heather, Heather and Veronica ( although she is not named). Not much is revealed about the characters apart from the fact they are obviously very posh and they come across as quite stuck up. In regards to the plot, we can infer that it will be about these girls but there is no real insight into what will actually be happening as all that we see in the opening is them playing croquet. There is some dialogue, although it is minimal and just introduces us to the basics; their names. The whole thing is located in one garden, which is very well looked after again adding to the sense of poshness, and that is the sole location for the opening scene. The credits are very feminine and lacy typography, tying in to the atmosphere for the rest of the opening.

Charlie and the Chocolate factory:
Literally none of the plot is revealed in the opening scene of this film, only hints as to what is going to happen such as the golden ticket being placed on the chocolate bars before they are packaged. The majority of the opening focus's on the production of the chocolate and the credits, which are very embellished and static, giving the impression of wealth; they are also gold which could be linked to the ticket. We are not introduced to any of the key characters until 3 minutes in, and then narration introduces us to the background and basic information of this character. There is no dialogue at all within the opening and the main location is the factory, but we see different parts of it as we follow the chocolate production process.

Student made film openings:

This opening contains no dialogue at all, just eerie music and the sound of a gunshot at the end. There are two characters that we are introduced to, a girl who is being chased and a man ('monster') that is chasing her, but we only see them from behind mainly. Quite a lot of the plot is introduced as the audience is made aware of the fact that there is someone that is chasing and killing people and we see the girl get shot at the very end of the opening so can infer that if the film was to continue that this is what the plot would be around. There is only one location; a woods where the chase is taking place. The credits are like scratchings into a black surface that also shake slightly whilst on screen, fitting in with the genre as it links to the idea of there being a monster on the loose.

I've got time:

This opening introduces quite a lot about both character and plot. There is a narration at the beginning which gives the impression of it being the girls thoughts talking directly to the audience; and it reveals to the audience a lot about the character as she tells us directly about how she feels lonely and isolated. Furthermore, there is some dialogue towards the end with another key character, a boy, and the audience can infer that the plot will be about the two falling in love and their relationship. There are a couple of locations, a school toilets and corridor at the beginning and then a train station for the second half of the opening, we also see some of the road whilst the girl is walking to the train station. The credits look like they are almost handmade which adds to the diary like effect of the rest of the opening.


Within this opening there is quite a lot of plot revealed; there are 4 boys on a quest, and the fact that they have bows and arrows suggests that there will be fighting or conflict at the end. The only location used is a valley, along which they walk and a dragon appears in the background, showing the audience that this is a fantastical adventure. There is some dialogue towards the end as they discuss who much further they are going to have to travel but it does not reveal much more than that. The credits are simplistic and plain, except for the typography on the film title itself which is much more characterful as it is in a unique font.

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