Friday 16 December 2016

Coursewiork Planning: Audience research feedback

Summary of the audience research you conducted:
The general ideas suggested that most people do not expect a whole lot to be revealed in the opening two minutes if a film, they want to be introduced to the key concepts but for enough to be left ambigious to act as an incentive for them to continue watching the film. Most people seemed to think that the best film openings' are the ones that do not give everything away, but create questions or intrigue to what will happen in the next of the rest of the movie.

What have I learnt?
From conducting my audience research I have learnt that people have a wide range of ideas of what a Sci-Fi opening should include, as there is such variety within the genre. Furthermore, the general consensus is that simple is strong and only limited characters and locations should be revealed so as to not over complicate the introduction to the film.

What was the general consensus towards my own idea?
The feedback I got was very positive; people seemed to like the idea and think it was an interesting concept. They seemed to want to know what would happen next and were intrigued by the different routes that the film could go down if it were to be developed further.

What developments/changes will  I make to my own idea based on these opinions?
I think when developing my film opening further I will make sure to try and keep the characters and locations simple as it is quite a complex idea and as the feedback suggested that you shouldn't perhaps reveal everything about your characters in the opening minutes I will try and leave some things unsaid so as to try and spark that intrigue; and so not to take away from the actual plot of the story by trying to fit too much in to the initial minutes.

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