Tuesday 6 December 2016

Coursework Planning: Plot synopsis

Plot outline:
Within my current idea the plot follows this storyline:

  1. A boy is always on his laptop
  2. He goes to lots of different places and yet always has his laptop with him e.g cafe, parks, shops
  3. He goes home one day and the first thing he does is go onto his laptop ( like everyday)
  4. He starts to flick through different tabs and websites
  5. The screen beings to crackle
  6. This happens a couple more time and then the computer just switches itself off
  7. The next thing the audience will see is the empty bed where he was sittng before
  8. The boy is stuck in the computer and begins to panick about why and how he will get out
  9. A family member calls his name 
  10. They go into his bedroom and see the laptop is still on  but don't notice him on the screen
  11. They shut the laptop down
  12. Cuts to title
Where would I go if I was going to make the film as a whole?
There are two routes I could potentially go down; the first is that the boy getting trapped in the computer is just a metaphor for the fact that he has let technology dictate his life and follow a more pyscological plot line on how this can effect his relationships. The second, and my preferred option, is that the boy literally got sucked into the computer screen and go down the more fanatsical route of there being a parralell cyber universe within which teenagers are being sucked into. The rest of the plot would then be about how to get out of this universe and back into what everyone else knows to be reality. 

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