Sunday 18 December 2016

Coursework Planning: Dragons den feedback

How did the pitch go ?
I think that the pitch went okay, everyone seemed to respond positively to the idea. I think I could have been clearer when trying to portray some of my ideas as I think that some people struggled to picture what I was saying and thus did not understand the concept completley.

What feedback were you given?
 Thew feedack I ws given was mainly positive, people seemed intrigued by the idea and seemed to be interested on how it would develop. There was some confusion on how I was going to actually make it look like they were in a computer screen and people wanted to know how far I had gotten with the actaul filming process.

Have you made any changes as a result?
I haven't made any drastic changes as a result, I have just altered my plans on how to film slightly; as it was pointed out I wont have to upload the video to youtube to film it in the cmputer, I can just play the clip on the computer to save time during the filming process. It has also made me aware that I need to make it very clear on that he is trapped in a compputer screen becuase that seemed to be the aspect that people didn't seemed to get how it would work the most.

Has it made you less/more determined to continue with a certain aspect of your coursework?
It has made me more determined to continue with my idea and to try and actaully pull it off, as it has the potential to not look good due to the abtractness of the idea.

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