Thursday 22 December 2016

Coursework Planning: Casting

Potential Cast:


Alex Glenn, a city college student who takes Btec drama.

Why would they be good for the role?
I think he would be good for the role because he loves acting and takes drama, so his performance will be good. Also we have been friends for a really long time so both of us would feel comfortable whilst directing as we know each other really well. Furthermore, as Alex studies drama he knows how to take directions so it would make the filming process easier.

Potential issues:
He lives in the middle of nowhere so getting him to different locations may be an issue. Also, due to him being a drama student he is often really busy in the evenings and weekends doing performances for his course, so availability may be an issue.

Harry Flegg, a sixth former who takes A level drama.

Why would they be good for the role?
I think Harry would be good for the role as he takes a level drama. so will have some experience in acting. Also he is super friendly, so he will be really easy to work with and direct. We also go to the same sixth form, so our availability is roughly the same so organising days to film will be relatively easy.

Potential issues:
 He has never acted on camera before, so it may take a while for him to get used to it.

George Jordan, a sixth form student.

Why would he be good for the role?
I think that he would be good for the role because he is naturally quite like the character I had in mind. We also get along really well, so working together wouldn't be an issue. Furthermore, he also goes to the same sixth form as me so we would have similar availability.

Potential issues:
He has no experience with acting, so his performance may not be as convincing as the others. He also lives quite far away so getting to different locations may be an issue.

Alex's sister:
Megan Cary, Sixth Form student

Why would they be good for the role?
I think that Megan would be good for the role because she likes drama  a lot, and does an acting club on the weekend so she will be good at filling the role. She also is really laid back, so will be able to work with whoever and understand what to do easily,

Potential issues:She lives a far way away and also is a very busy person, so organising a day when she is free will be difficult, and getting her to that location will also be tricky.

India Simmons, a Sixth form student.

Why would she be good for the role?
I think she would be good for the role because she has offered to help out with media work in the past, so doesn't mind being a part of it, making organizing and directing easier as she wants to be involved.

Potential issues:
She has only done theatre performance  before, so it may take a while to get used to being filmed on camera.

Erin Ketteridge,  a sixth form student,

Why would she be good for the role?
She is super friendly, so will work well with anyone. Also, she has a similar time table to me within school which would make planning and filming with her easier as we are free at similar times.

Potential issues:
She doesn't really act, so it may be a bit difficult to direct as she has not done anything like this before.

The official auditions will be done next week. 

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