Monday 19 December 2016

Coursework Planning: Characters

Character profiles

Name: Alex Heath

Age: 17

Profession : Sixth form student, has a part time job at the local gaming store.

Favourite Colour: Blue

Favourite Number: 22


  • Video games 
  • Coding
  • Punk Rock music
  • Playing guitar

  • Public speaking
  • Chart Music 
  • Family meals
  • Tim Burton films

Alex comes from a relatively middle class family background, with a traditional nuclear family who live in a standard house on the outskirts of a city. His upbringing was completely average, he was the kid who wasn't smart but wasn't stupid, he had a normal number of friends, every aspect of his life was just okay; nothing spectacular but nothing horrible either. When he hit his teenage years, the monotonous routine of school, homework, eat, sleep, repeat began to get a bit too tedious for him. He was bored; so he turned to the world of technology to provide an outlet to this. He got sucked into the virtual realities available, all accessible within his own home. He progressively became more and more addicted to these worlds; spending all his time on his laptop doing whatever except looking at his surroundings around him. He became an extreme teen, isolating himself from everything and everyone; save his that which he can access with his laptop.

 Personality traits:

  • Irrtiable 
  • Kind when it really matters
  • Very shy but can be interpreted as sulky
Friendship groups:
Only really the people he plays games with online.


  • Stan Lee
  • Neil Gaimen
  • Kirk Hamett

3 words to describe him:
Passive, introverted, geek

The only other character in my film opening is his sister; who finds the laptop still left on in his room. She doesn't feature much but she and her brother get along really well; they have similar interests but is far more extroverted that him; and spends a lot more time going out and socialising than he does.

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