Saturday 17 December 2016

Coursework Planning: Script first draft

This is the first draft of my script, once I have finalised my ideas and done the logistical thing of planning locations and casting my characters I will make any adjustments that may be needed.

The camera follows Alex's feet as he walks to sit on a park bench. He sits down and immediately gets out his laptop and turns it on.
                                                          CUT TO:

A mid shot of Alex sitting on the park bench, all the people around him are moving at a faster speed to him as he sits and doesn't look up from the laptop.                            

                                                           CUT TO:

The same shot but Alex has moved location. He is now in a busy shopping centre on a sofa outside a cafe.       
                                                            CUT TO:

A close up of his hands typing on time lapse, so his hands are moving quickly.

                                                             CUT TO:

Alex walking into his bedroom, he sits on the bed and turns on his laptop. He starts to scroll through different tabs and decides to watch a tv programme so sets one up to watch. As it begins the screen starts to crackle. He is confused as to why and starts to click around on the different tabs.   

                                                             CUT TO:

                                                            CUT TO:

A shot of the top of the bed. There is no one in shot and the camera is placed in the perspective of the computer.

                                                             CUT TO:

A black background and the only thing visible is Alex. He doesn't know where he is and at first looks confused but then starts to panic, hitting his fists against the screen in from of him and pushing either side of the screen he is trapped in.

What the..... where am I?


Help?? Is there anyone there??? Can anyone hear me??


                                                                                                                                                  CUT TO:

Alex's mum walks into his bedroom

Alex.... are you home?

She looks around and notices the laptop still open in his bed. You can see him on the screen but she doesn't notice that. 

His laptop is still on....odd.
                                                             CUT TO:

Camera is from the perspective of the laptop. The screen shuts own slowly over it as if the laptop was being closed. 

T H E   E N D 


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