Thursday 8 December 2016

Coursework Planning: Based on my ideas/first draft

What ways would would your target audience ideally be able to consume your film?
My target audience would ideally be able to consume my film initially through cinema; as that is how a majority of films are shown and get their initial audience. Furthermore my main target audience is 15-25, and this age demographic generally goes out to the cinema quite a lot thus it is the best opportunity for them to consume it. Another way they could consume it is via online platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, as the younger generations more than ever are online and this is how they predominately consume media, so although the cinema is a good way for the initial viewing; these platforms would be ideal for continued viewing of my film as it is the way my target audience is most likely to be engaged.

What did I learn during my preliminary task?
I learnt the initial skills needed to create a film; for example I learnt how to organise and cast people; and also how to direct people to do what you want them to as before the task I hadn't really ever practiced those skills. It was also my first time using a film camera properly, so I learnt how to set it up with a  trip pod and how to set up the different shots that we needed.

What do I want to avoid during my actual coursework?
I think the sound quality in our preliminary was not good, so I would avoid using such noisy locations or perhaps consider laying the sound over and syncing it to the footage. Also having a clearer plan of what I am going to film rather than just creating it on the spot, as it makes difficult to portray your ideas and what you want to the actors if you have not developed the shots and ideas properly beforehand.

What do I want to develop on in my actual coursework?
I would like to develop on the fact that we included a variety of different camera shots and angles and try to make them look a bit more professional. I also think that I would like to develop the editing process as although it isn't awful, some of the shots don't flow very well together and make the whole film look a bit disconnected. So in my actual coursework I want to make sure that all the shots fit well together. 

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